SMS Outdoor School
About 190 sixth graders from Sunridge Middle School recently enjoyed the annual Outdoor School during three separate weeks in April and May.
About 190 sixth graders from Sunridge Middle School recently enjoyed the annual Outdoor School during three separate weeks in April and May.
Sunridge Middle School – 5th Grade Parent Night
Discovering what the first year of middle school will be like is the purpose of a May event at Sunridge Middle School. All fifth grade students and their parents in the Pendleton School District are invited to 5th Grade Parent Night on Tuesday, May 23rd from 5 to 7 PM at SMS.
Fifth graders who will be attending the school, along with their parents, will meet sixth grade teachers, take tours of the building, watch a slideshow about electives offered at Sunridge and have hamburgers.
SMS Principal Piper Kelm said the event is a great opportunity for the school to communicate “What does Sixth Grade look like at SMS?” Kelm said, “This is the first time these students and families will all be together as their class, the one they are in from sixth grade through the end of high school. We want them to experience the building and share a meal together.”
Native American students and their families are invited to a special presentation at 4:30 PM in addition to regular Parent Night activities.
For more information about 5th Grade Parent Night, visit the Sunridge Middle School website at
Posted 5/19/2023
If you think there is nothing cuter than a kindergartner petting a cute, fuzzy chick, you are probably right.
Next school year, Sunridge Middle School students will have increased opportunities to explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning thanks to a $13,300 grant from GO-STEM. SMS Principal Piper Kelm said the grant allowed the school to purchase Virtual Reality (VR) headsets that students will use for computer coding and creating virtual spaces.
During the 2023-24 school year, sixth-grade classrooms will be able to use the equipment, which Kelm said she hopes builds interest in those students getting involved in the school’s Robotics Club for seventh and eighth graders. “We hope and anticipate this STEM grant will serve as a pipeline for our students to become interested in computer science here at the middle school and beyond in high school robotics and computers,” Kelm said.
Three other PSD schools also received GO-STEM grants: Pendleton Early Learning Center ($1,800), Washington Elementary ($8,800), and Pendleton High School ($19,000).
According to their website, GO‐STEM is a regional partnership cultivating a community that values STEM learning, prepares youth for successful STEM careers, and builds pathways and pipelines to meet workforce needs. Learn more at
During the last full week of April, the Pendleton School District celebrates the work of school secretaries and administrative professionals. Say an extra “Thank You” to your school’s secretary and all the administrators who work in the front office keeping everything running smoothly.
Celebrate Earth Day 2023 on April 22nd. This year’s theme is Invest In Our Planet, which focuses on how we take action on climate and work to build sustainable economies to preserve and protect our health, our families and our livelihoods. Learn more at:
This year’s theme is “Ready, Set, Lead!” Celebrating student leaders is a powerful expression of gratitude and recognition for their unwavering dedication, passion, and drive in making a difference within your school, community, and the world. This week we acknowledge the work of our Student Council members and National Honor Society students for their leadership.
Check out more information at:
This month-long effort is intended to increase awareness and acceptance of autism and provide opportunities to build more welcoming and inclusive communities to support people with autism.
Learn more and get resources:
Recent Parent-Teacher Conferences were a whole new experience at Sunridge Middle School in early March. The two evenings on March 7th and 9th were created to be part conference, part school open house, and part student showcase.
Parents could still make appointments to meet with their student’s teachers, and those meetings occurred in the classroom setting. In addition, multiple interactive activities were set up in other classrooms – parents and their students could experience a virtual Escape Room on computers in math class, and microscopes were set up in science. SMS counselors had prepared presentations about what they have been working on with students, including Character Strong, a curriculum that impacts engagement, belonging, and student well-being. These presentations were set up for the entire conference evenings.
For the showcase part, there were performances by Sunridge band, orchestra and choir groups, as well as completed student projects in the Wood Shop that parents and students could view.
Sunridge also fed those who attended conferences with a free baked potato bar each night.
“Ensuring that students and parents feel welcome in our building is always a priority at Sunridge,” said Principal Piper Kelm. “While the interaction and information between teachers and parents are important at Parent-Teacher conferences, we felt it was a good opportunity to connect with our families and show them what students have been learning.”
Join us at Sunridge Middle School for our 6th grade Spring Instrumental and Choir Concert. The concert will be held Friday March 24th at 10am in the gym.
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
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