The staff at Sunridge Middle School are always looking for ways to motivate students to grow academically while having a little fun along the way. An event called Bronc Pride Activity Hour is just the right motivator. Every other month on a Friday afternoon, students who are caught up on their work and passing all of their classes can enjoy some fun activities for the last hour of the school day.
Principal Piper Kelm said multiple activities are offered, including art and drawing, ag in the classroom, basketball and volleyball, board games, computer games and coding, cooking, trivia, and a virtual escape room. Students fill out a form with their top two choices but attend only one activity that afternoon.
“We always encourage students to keep up with their work and keep on track academically, but the Activity Hour may be the extra motivation needed for a student at that time,” said Piper Kelm, SMS Principal.
SMS Dean of Students Katie Bodewig spearheads Bronc Pride Activity Hour by organizing the many activities offered. Each activity is hosted by an SMS staff member, which creates a unique opportunity for the staff to interact and engage with the students in an exciting way, creating memories that will surely last a lifetime.
Students who need to make up work or are struggling attend Study Hall during Bronc Pride Activity Hour. However, Kelm said if students finish assignments and put forth a strong effort, they will get to attend.
The most recent event was on Friday, January 20, 2023.