2021-22 School Supply List
School starts August 31st and we are looking forward to welcoming all our students back to in-person learning!
School starts August 31st and we are looking forward to welcoming all our students back to in-person learning!
After the events of the last year and a half, I want to provide you with the most recent information we have regarding the upcoming school year.
The Pendleton School District is seeking substitute teachers and assistants for the 2021-22 school year.
Substitute teaching or a substitute assistant is a remarkably rewarding and worthwhile career path for people in many different walks of life. AS a sub, you get to work with children, set your schedule, and experience many different opportunities in education.
To apply, go to: https://pendleton.k12.or.us/employment-opportunities/
Substitute Teacher Pay: $25.27/hour – $195.84/day (7.75 hours ranging from 7:15-3:45)
Substitute Assistant Pay: $12.00/hour (up to 7.25 hours/day)
**If you have a Bachelor’s degree, you can qualify to be a substitute teacher!**
For more information, email Diana Van Epps.
Thank you to all the retirees.
On May 19, the OSSA (Oregon School Activities Association) updated its face covering requirements for school sports in the state.
The Pendleton School District is not going to change anything for the rest of the 20-21 school year.
Pendleton’s VFW Let ‘er Buck Post 922 was pleased to present its Teacher of the Year Award on Monday, May 17, to Shellie Wyss, kindergarten teacher at the Pendleton Early Learning Center.
It’s teacher appreciation week.
Over the last several weeks, we have been able to return our elementary students to school full-time and our secondary students back ½ days five days a week.
Pendleton School District
107 NW 10th Street, Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541.276.6711 Fax: 541.278.3208
The Pendleton School District assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or income as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Pendleton School District sponsored program or activity.
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